Karolína SDC Bratislava

May Special Dance

Since 1991, we have been organizing the Unconventional May Special Dance every year. This weekend dance event is intended for square and round dancing enthusiasts. It is attended by dancers from Slovakia, Czech Republic, Austria, Germany, as well as other countries around the world. The number of participants is around 150-200.

Each year, the event has a unique theme that is reflected in the promotion, decoration of the hall, and program. We strive to create an exceptional dance event for our guests each year and showcase our hospitality, culture, and the capital city of Bratislava in the best possible light. The event is organized voluntarily and free of charge by club members, their friends, and family. Our reward is the satisfaction of visitors and the good feeling they take away with them from Slovakia, which they present to their home clubs.

In 2008, we organized for the first time in Bratislava the 1st Slovak Convention / 16th CSCTA Convention under the auspices of the CSCTA association. Active on this weekend event were 440 dancers from Europe, including guests from the USA and Australia. We danced in five halls, 22 callers and cuers performed, and we also presented ourselves at a public dance on the Primatial Square.

The organization of May Dance is currently suspended mainly due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, we believe that after finding suitable premises, we will be able to revive this tradition in the future in a new format.