Who we are
The Karolína Square Dance Club was founded in 1990 and has been operating as a civic association since 1994.
We promote, dance, and teach square dance and round dance, which helps us establish contacts and friendships with other similar clubs in Slovakia and abroad. The club is based in Bratislava, where we organize weekly dance club evenings. Over the years, hundreds of dancers have danced with us, many of whom have stayed with the club for a long time and formed lifelong friendships.
Currently, around thirty active members from Slovakia and Austria dance at Karolína Bratislava, and we have a wide support base in addition to them.

Organisation of the club
As a non-profit organization, we operate purely on a voluntary basis. All members of the club, including teaching cuer and callers, work, teach, organize, and help without financial compensation.
The club's activities are managed and secured by the club's management:
- President - statutory body of the club, formally represents the club - Monika.
- Two vice presidents - they organize club activities - Žužu and Cháron.
- Secretary - manages the club's administration - Meďa.
- Treasurer - keeps the accounting and collects membership fees - Zlatka
- Club cuers Janko and Gabika - the main pillar of our club.

- Club caller Marián - occasionally comes to us and primarily leads weekend workshops.

- Club caller Matúš - a beginner caller and our new hope.

- Actually we receive help with square dance calling also from callers from the Czech Republic: Čára, Dingo, and David. Thank you!
- Club evening every Wednesday with dancing and lessons from September to June
- July and August - summer dancing and non-dancing outdoor activities (such as disc golf, swimming, picnics, cycling...)
- Themed club nights - e.g. Christmas party
- Weekend dancing for club members with workshops
- A weekend stay for members and their families filled with trips, dancing, games, and a great atmosphere
- Club dance ball
- Once a year, there is a general meeting, and the club's management meets 3-4 times a year
- Travel to events and workshops of other clubs with the same focus (Czech Republic, Germany, Austria)